Ok... I rode from Los Angeles California to the southern tip of South America, and back. I started out with a friend from Alberta Canada - Larry is a rancher whom I met when I rode to Alaska a few years earlier and had stayed in touch with. He had recently bought a new bike and wanted to go for a ride. So we set our sights on Tierra Del Fuego. But, he had to turn back in Colombia. Then I rode with Brian from England, Patrick from Ireland, and Damon from New Zealand, from Columbia to Santiago Chile. After that, I was on my own.

This was an exciting trip for a number of reasons. It was over 30,000 miles thru Latin America and the Andes mountains, and I didn't speak much Spanish. There was also the small detail of the Darien Gap. And, then there was "Death Road" in Bolivia - supposedly the most dangerous road in the world.

Anyway, I blogged about the entire journey right here.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Horse Trails of Mexico

Leaving San Cristobal I had planned to ride across to the Gulf of Mexico, but the route I was on turned out to be a horse trail.  It had also started raining which made the challenging trail nearly impossible.  It was a struggle to say the least and I wasn't even sure I was going the right direction.  Tiring from my struggles over the rough slick terrain, I made a mistake going up a steep section.  I had to keep carry some speed to make up the incline but my front wheel deflected off a rock and it turned me to the right and I nearly went over a cliff - my front tire pushed dirt off the edge as it locked up and slid to a stop, a couple inches short of disaster.  The drop-off would have resulted in certain death, and it would have been a long time before anyone found me. I had safely traveled nearly 30,000 miles thru 16 countries over 11 months and I was just a few days from home - at that point I decided to turn around.  I wasn't going to push my luck any further. I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere but on my way back I confirmed with the locals that the route I was on did in fact lead to my intended destination - however, it was, as I suspected, a horse trail!  DOH!  This adventure was over, it was time to head back to the pavement.

 Here is where I suspect that I made a wrong turn. First I went up...

 ... which lead to here.  Then I second guessed and went back to take the downward trail...

... which lead to here ...

... and eventually to here ...

... but I pushed on anyway.

These are the only tracks I saw.
 Not far from here, I nearly went over a cliff.

No visible tire tracks anywhere.

These guys were laughing but they were nice enough to tell me it was a horse trail.

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